Soda vending machines are in the market from many years, but off late have got a bigger influence over the need of people. Those soda machines are made up for business from home to hotels, so a big variation in the size is seen like
• One which holds four to six varieties of flavours, or
• Other which dispense lots of cans and variety.
You have a lot of options in your hand, the choice is yours can choose a small one to get a safe side economically and space wise or else have a bigger one with lots of variety to make your customers get a diverse in taste and you get a bigger traffic of customers.
Types of Soda Machine in Odisha
1. Closed-box type: In this the beverage content cannot be seen and advantage of this is cleaning it every day to make it presentable is not important.
2. Open-box type: Presence of glass cover makes the beverage content displayed and visible to customers. Advantage of this type of machines, attract customers and give them a clarification that what they are buying an in-taking.
3. Van Model Soda type: These are the newest type and are mostly closed-box type. Advantage is you can take them with you wherever you want to sell or start the party!
Now, it with this information you can know easily that, what type you want and why you want it? More thinks to keep in mind while buying soda machines are:
• Keep in mind the amount of electricity or battery it needs to run the whole system.
• Cooling capacity is the other most important point to be kept in mind.
• Know about the insulators used in the machine.
• Does the systems uses a double cooling machine or not?
• A check on the consumption of CO2 gas will be good.
• If to be used in public, check the extra attachments like music system or attractive light and all.
• Look whether it gives automatic counting system or not?
When you think of buying a soda vending machine keep all the things in mind and make your best deal.